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After the rain glow at the Ropes Mansion Garden…. . . . . . #salem #salemma #salemmass #salemmassachusetts #visitsalem #witchcity #witchcitywalkingtours #lovewhereyoulive #bostondotcom #northofboston #northshorema #historyinsalem #historicsalem #destsalem #thingstodoinsalem #hhmagazine #visitsalem #igerssalem #witch #witches #travelgram #igerssalemma #ropesmansion #ropesmansiongarden #ropesmansionsalem

**Witch City Walking Tours Gives Back to Salem!*** Summary: Witch City Walking Tours is giving back to the community that has done so much for us. Each month this year, we will be donating to a deserving charitable organization in the city. We are asking our guides to choose an organization that means something to them. Our fabulous guide Dawn chose to donate to Northeast Animal Shelter for the month of April. When Dawn was asked why she chose this amazing organization she replied, “I chose Northeast Animal Shelter as they take great care and effort placing dogs and cats into their furever homes. NEAS also accepts animals from other shelters throughout the country when overcrowding occurs due to weather related disasters, etc.” We know that a $1000 donation only goes so far. The animals are always in need of blankets, towels, and especially food. If you would like to donate, please click on the link below: Stay tuned: each month, we will post the charity or organization that our guide has chosen to give back to. We hope that other local businesses will join us…..Let’s all work together on giving back to the community this year!

Kona loved meeting these amazing ladies who were visiting Salem tonight! . . . . . #salem #salemma #salemmass #salemmassachusetts #visitsalem #witchcity #witchcitywalkingtours #lovewhereyoulive #bostondotcom #northofboston #northshorema #historyinsalem #historicsalem #destsalem #thingstodoinsalem #hhmagazine #visitsalem #igerssalem #witch #witches #travelgram #igerssalemma #rockafellas #salematnight #salemvisitors

Loving the soft glow of Essex St this evening . . . . . . #salem #salemma #salemmass #salemmassachusetts #visitsalem #witchcity #witchcitywalkingtours #lovewhereyoulive #bostondotcom #northofboston #northshorema #historyinsalem #historicsalem #destsalem #thingstodoinsalem #hhmagazine #visitsalem #igerssalem #witch #witches #travelgram #igerssalemma #essexstreetsalem #bricksidewalk #oldcities #bricksandcobblestones

Witch City Walking Tours represented at Salem Pride today! . . . . . #salem #salemma #salemmass #salemmassachusetts #visitsalem #witchcity #witchcitywalkingtours #lovewhereyoulive #bostondotcom #northofboston #northshorema #historyinsalem #historicsalem #destsalem #thingstodoinsalem #hhmagazine #visitsalem #igerssalem #witch #witches #travelgram #igerssalemma #igerssalem #pride #salempride #pride🌈 #prideparade #pride2023

On this day in history: 331 years ago, on June 10, 1692, Bridget Bishop would be the first to be hanged on charges of witchcraft in the Salem Witch Trials. Bishop had been previously accused of witchcraft years earlier by her stepchildren, following the death of her husband. She owned an apple orchard on what is now Church St, and Bishop also lived in a house somewhere near the orchard, according to court records.

Kona is hanging out at his favorite Salem museum! Did you know that the accused “witches” in Salem were hanged and not burned? The accused were only burned in Europe, where witchcraft was a capital crime. In Salem, witchcraft was a civil crime. . . . . . #salem #salemma #salemmass #salemmassachusetts #visitsalem #witchcity #witchcitywalkingtours #lovewhereyoulive #bostondotcom #northofboston #northshorema #historyinsalem #historicsalem #destsalem #thingstodoinsalem #hhmagazine #visitsalem #igerssalem #witch #witches #travelblogger #travelphotography #travelgram #igerssalemma #igerssalem #salemwitchtrials #witchdungeonmuseum #witchdungeon #hangednotburned

Today is the *last day* of our Limited Engagement tour, commemorating the anniversary of the murder of Captain Joseph White…. Who doesn’t love a good murder story, which is said to have inspired the Tell Tale Heart?? Not only will you hear captivating tales of murder, betrayal and deception, but you will learn how to take amazing photos from a professional photographer! 📸 4:30 PM (best for good lighting) 90-120 minutes Maximum group of 10 Book now at

Witch City Walking Tours is thrilled to announce a limited engagement tour: 2 days only! April 6 & 7 at 4:30PM A tour at the intersection of architecture, true crime and photography! Join local photographer Chris Padgett and experienced tour guide Rebecca Johnson for a fascinating exploration of Salem’s most notorious murder. Not only will you hear tales of true crime, but you will have a professional teach you how to get the best shots of landscape and architecture. The death of aged sea Captain Joseph White was not just a personal tragedy to the families involved. It was a sign of the times that Salem’s identity as a wealthy and successful seaport was sinking into the horizon. The story of the murder became an international sensation and influenced authors Edgar Allen Poe and Nathaniel Hawthorne. Book now:

It’s pretty cool to think about how the people that lived in this house 200 years ago saw the exact same moon that we see tonight. . . . . . #salem #salemma #salemmass #salemmassachusetts #visitsalem #witchcity #witchcitywalkingtours #lovewhereyoulive #bostondotcom #northofboston #northshorema #historyinsalem #historicsalem #destsalem #thingstodoinsalem #hhmagazine #visitsalem #igerssalem #witch #witches #travelblogger #travelphotography #travelgram #igerssalemma #igerssalem #winter #doorsofsalem #doorsoffederalst #federalstsalem #mcintiredistrict

It’s pretty cool to think about how the people that lived in this house 200 years ago saw the exact same moon that we see tonight. . . . . . #salem #salemma #salemmass #salemmassachusetts #visitsalem #witchcity #witchcitywalkingtours #lovewhereyoulive #bostondotcom #northofboston #northshorema #historyinsalem #historicsalem #destsalem #thingstodoinsalem #hhmagazine #visitsalem #igerssalem #witch #witches #travelblogger #travelphotography #travelgram #igerssalemma #igerssalem #winter #doorsofsalem #doorsoffederalst #federalstsalem #mcintiredistrict

It’s pretty cool to think about how the people that lived in this house 200 years ago saw the exact same moon that we see tonight. . . . . . #salem #salemma #salemmass #salemmassachusetts #visitsalem #witchcity #witchcitywalkingtours #lovewhereyoulive #bostondotcom #northofboston #northshorema #historyinsalem #historicsalem #destsalem #thingstodoinsalem #hhmagazine #visitsalem #igerssalem #witch #witches #travelblogger #travelphotography #travelgram #igerssalemma #igerssalem #winter #doorsofsalem #doorsoffederalst #federalstsalem #mcintiredistrict

It’s pretty cool to think about how the people that lived in this house 200 years ago saw the exact same moon that we see tonight. . . . . . #salem #salemma #salemmass #salemmassachusetts #visitsalem #witchcity #witchcitywalkingtours #lovewhereyoulive #bostondotcom #northofboston #northshorema #historyinsalem #historicsalem #destsalem #thingstodoinsalem #hhmagazine #visitsalem #igerssalem #witch #witches #travelblogger #travelphotography #travelgram #igerssalemma #igerssalem #winter #doorsofsalem #doorsoffederalst #federalstsalem #mcintiredistrict

It’s pretty cool to think about how the people that lived in this house 200 years ago saw the exact same moon that we see tonight. . . . . . #salem #salemma #salemmass #salemmassachusetts #visitsalem #witchcity #witchcitywalkingtours #lovewhereyoulive #bostondotcom #northofboston #northshorema #historyinsalem #historicsalem #destsalem #thingstodoinsalem #hhmagazine #visitsalem #igerssalem #witch #witches #travelblogger #travelphotography #travelgram #igerssalemma #igerssalem #winter #doorsofsalem #doorsoffederalst #federalstsalem #mcintiredistrict

It’s pretty cool to think about how the people that lived in this house 200 years ago saw the exact same moon that we see tonight. . . . . . #salem #salemma #salemmass #salemmassachusetts #visitsalem #witchcity #witchcitywalkingtours #lovewhereyoulive #bostondotcom #northofboston #northshorema #historyinsalem #historicsalem #destsalem #thingstodoinsalem #hhmagazine #visitsalem #igerssalem #witch #witches #travelblogger #travelphotography #travelgram #igerssalemma #igerssalem #winter #doorsofsalem #doorsoffederalst #federalstsalem #mcintiredistrict

It’s pretty cool to think about how the people that lived in this house 200 years ago saw the exact same moon that we see tonight. . . . . . #salem #salemma #salemmass #salemmassachusetts #visitsalem #witchcity #witchcitywalkingtours #lovewhereyoulive #bostondotcom #northofboston #northshorema #historyinsalem #historicsalem #destsalem #thingstodoinsalem #hhmagazine #visitsalem #igerssalem #witch #witches #travelblogger #travelphotography #travelgram #igerssalemma #igerssalem #winter #doorsofsalem #doorsoffederalst #federalstsalem #mcintiredistrict
Working Hours
Sunday to Saturday
09:00 AM to 11:00 PM
32 Derby Square Salem, MA 01970
(Outside on the 3 staircases of the Old Town Hall)